Look around you. This is your homebase. While you're aboard, this is where you will have the opportunity to hear from the Elders.
You will have Elders as fellow travelers on this ship. When they die, their knowledge, and the knowledge of all Inuit, may be gone forever. But you'll be able to complete your journey, as long as you listen to the Elders. Learn from them. Use what you are learning to guide your actions.
I have always tried to live my life in ways that honour my parents, my ancestors and above all, the land - our environment. I have lived a good life.
I will coach you on your journey, so that you find the strength and vision you will need. You will learn wisdom from the Elders. Our journey won't be easy.
You will have to learn to listen very carefully to hear their message, and all that is said. And sometimes, you will have to wait to understand what you have heard.